Introducing the House System to BASIS Independent McLean


Introducing the House System to BASIS Independent McLean

Many of you have probably heard about the House System but only to the extent that it exists. So what exactly is its purpose and what does it do? The House System works to create and promote student spirit and organize events to build a community in BIM. We hope to create a stronger community among the students, and add more student involvement to activities and events that are typically organized by faculty. Students are sorted into one of four houses: Earth (House colors: green and gold), Fire (House colors:red and orange), Air (House colors: purple and grey), and Water (House colors; light blue and dark blue). 

Students represent their houses in community activities such as intramural basketball and earn points in friendly inter-house competitions. In each house, leaders consist of a House Head, an Assistant House Head, and grade-band prefects, all elected positions. Student participation and input are vital in the House system as we continue to build and adapt it to fit the needs of our school and fellow students. 

The founding and current Heads of Houses are Maria L. ‘23 of House Earth, Benjamin W. ‘23 of House Water, Suman S. ‘23 of House Air, and Shalini S. ‘22 of House Fire. The founding and current Assistant Heads of Houses are Charlie R. ‘23 of House Earth, Cynthia T. ‘23 of House Water, Pranav A. ‘23 of House Air, and Anjali J. ‘23 of House Fire.

Sorting Event: 

On Friday, September 24th, a high school sorting event will take place at 3:10 P.M. in the theater. In this event, the House System and all of its leaders will formally introduce themselves and the House System’s purpose. After that, those individuals who have already been sorted will arrange themselves into the four Houses separately. Everyone will receive glow stick bracelets that correspond to their house colors. Then the unsorted individuals will draw glow sticks from the sorting container in which the color will determine their House. 

Prefect Elections:

Prefect elections are coming up in October! Three prefects will be elected for each House: one prefect from grades 5 and 6,, one prefect from grades 7-8, and one prefect from grades 9-10. This position will require organization and responsibility on the part of the student. Incoming prefects will serve as the student representatives for their grades and participate in House-system wide decisions alongside the Heads and Assistant Heads of Houses. Prefects must complete a Google form application to be considered. For questions, please reach out to current House leadership or Mr. Wright. Watch out for an informative flyer that will be posted next week.