Welcome to The Nest, The BIM Bulletin’s Online Public Forum.
Update: Thursday, January 28
Hello Red-Tailed Hawks! The BIM Bulletin will be initiating a new Creative Writing Corner that serves to showcase the writing talents of our student body. Each month, the site will post a new theme or writing challenge that will have a specific word limit according to the type of literature. We hope that this competition will be a chance for the student body to display their talents and tap into their creative sides. Keep a close eye for the upcoming prompts and start thinking!
The topic for February is “Monsters Under the Bed.” We are asking for Flash Fiction that is no longer than 600 words. Haven’t heard of Flash Fiction before? Well, it is a type of very *very* short story. Your story must have a beginning, middle, and end, and it cannot be longer than 600 words! Send your story to [email protected] by Friday, February 19th.
Help us brainstorm! We’re collecting titles for our “Creative Writing Corner.” Your submission “fee” is to send a suggestion along with your story.